How important is search ranking?

photo credit: tj scenes Just how important is your search engine ranking? Well consider that in 2002, about one-third of all users typically searched for something each day. Now in 2008, a new high of just under one half (49%) are searching daily for something on the Internet, according to the latest study from the Pew Internet & American Life Project. It is an interesting to note, and see that it is also growing at a faster rate than other activities which people might do on the … [Read more...]

Optimize your site for more users

We've talked in the past about optimizing your web site so it runs a quickly as possible. This is nice of course as no one wants to wait for your pages to load. And with so many people having high-speed internet access, people's desire to wait has gone down. (High speed access isn't a license to triple your page size!) We've also pointed out how Google is using your page load time now as a factor for where to rank your "pay-per-click" adwords ads. Well now a new survey has come out that … [Read more...]