WordPress Wins CMS Awards

People continue to ask why I look to Wordpress to build even non blog websites. For various reasons of course, including ease of creating content, ease of changing layouts, and ease of adding modules (plug-ins). All of those factors and more led Wordpress to win the "Hall of Fame CMS" from Pakt Publishing. Pakt Publishing sponsored the Open Source CMS contest, and Wordpress won against other strong contenders like Drupal and Joomla. While it's nice to use "award winning" software, the more … [Read more...]

Would you send away 1 in 5 customers?

What would you do if you found out one of your best sales people was randomly turning away 1 out of every 5 people?  People who might have bought from you, but the salesperson  turned them away because of their own prejudices. Recently I was on a conference call with a client, and one of the services he was using. We were trying to work through some issues  and during the discussion one of the issues that came up was that the services site was designed to run in Internet Explorer only. I … [Read more...]

How I’m updating my site

One thing I've noticed, is that while working on other companies web sites, the one web site which tends to get updated the least is.... my own. This apparently isn't specific to me, as I've talked with many other web designers who have the same issue. I've even heard of web designers hiring other web designers to do their web site. Since it has been a little while since I did a major update to my site (this past summer when I added the blog), I decided I should be performing some updates. … [Read more...]

Getting Ranked in Google

Everyone wants to be ranked in Google - and who doesn't.  As the #1 search engine, people go there before the other search engines over 50% of the time.  This means that a lot of Search Engine people will focus on trying to get their customers on Google.  This can be relatively easy for niche-markets, but harder for more general terms. For example, I have a customer who ranks in the top ten for about 11 search terms on Google.  It varies depending upon what shows on the Google report. He … [Read more...]