Software Tools

Walt Design and Development has used tools created by others in numerous ways, such as utilizing the jQuery JavaScript frame work, Code Igniter for PHP development and more.

Walt Design and Development wants to give back to the web community that it is a part of. As with all developers on the web, the Internet provides a means to easily share tools to make each other’s lives easier.

We are currently planning on releasing each of the following tools over the next few weeks. We are currently looking at which licensing agreement to release them under, as well as cleaning them up in regards to documentation, and et cetra.

  • Validator – a JavaScript Form validtor that provides a simple series of methods which can be used to error check a form either in real time, or before submiting the form without the user having to know any complicated Javascript. This tool requires almost no knowledge of validation inorder to be used as it is all done for you.
  • Strong Password – a JavaScript Password strength tester that can be used to let users know if they have a strong or weak password. It can also be used to enforce a certain level of password strength.
  • Open Window – a simplier Object Oriented JavaScript library for easily opening external windows with JavaScript. This should reduce the amount of code required by the average user. – coming soon
  • Rating System – a simple AJAX based rating system to both show and set the rating by a user. – coming soon