Writing for everyone is harder than it appears

Writing posts that is. I've been working on several series of topics, such as the How the Web is like High School, and others. It has taken longer than expected to write what would seem like a simple post, the type of post that shouldn't require a PhD from MIT to understand. Yet writing about something semi-technical to a non-technical person is not always the easiest thing to do. While it seems obvious to me, because I am technical, it won't be to most people. Yet people fail to keep … [Read more...]

Becoming Popular on the Web

This is our final article in how, especially when related to popularity and search, the web is like High School. Previously we have looked at the popular kids, the new kid who was popular at his last school, and the rebels. As we finish this little alliteration, we have to look at the “late bloomer”. Granted, in our case you don’t have to necessarily be a “late bloomer.” You can be ready to bloom now. This is geared toward the people who realize that they can improve their standing, and … [Read more...]

The (Web/High School) Rebel

I’ve talked about how the web is kind of like High School. The popular kids (websites) stay popular, and the uncool kids stay, well, uncool. Even if you were popular at one school, and moved to another school, it was still possible to become popular – because you knew what to do. So let’s continue the analogy. It is always possible to lose your cool, or finally find it. There are many ways to do this, and we will explore the right and wrong way. Let’s look at The Rebel and how he can be … [Read more...]

Two New Kids at School

If you haven’t had a chance to read the previous article about how the web is like high school, you might want to take a quick glance. Two New Kids at School A new kid can become popular.  If they were popular at their last school, it was always easier. If you ever watched this type of new kid, you could always tell. They walked the right way. They had the right look. They knew they had the right stuff; they just had to prove it. And from the moment they walked off the bus (if they dared … [Read more...]