Any Occasion Photography Blog

I recently put the finishing touches on another client's blog. Any Occasion Photography, a wedding photography company in Central Florida, has been a client of mine since 2004 when it opened. Over the years I've done a redesign on their website and numerous gallery updates. However they were wanting something different a few weeks ago. They wanted a quick and easy way to post updates about their clients, the work they do, and tips and hints for brides (and grooms) when choosing a wedding … [Read more...]

“Why should we change this page?”

This is a new section I'm adding, called, "Questions from clients". I hope that in answering some of the pressing questions from my clients, that I might answer some of your questions as well. "Should we remove this image and it's link?" Earlier this week, I had a client ask me about a updating their homepage, and if we should remove a link to another page. The link (a large image) was certainly noticeable, however, it detracted from the look of the page. I started a discussion about removing … [Read more...]


As a lost coder and developer, Walter was my go to person. Several times I contacted Walter instead of contacting Google! He always had great answers to all my questions and consulted with me on any issue I had with development. After contacting Walter, on several occasions I had "AHA" moments, "Now I get it!". I always come back to WaltDesign to learn more. Consulting with Walter is always on my to do list on any project I'm working on. He is definitely a guru. Thank you, WaltDesign, for easing … [Read more...]

Improving Website Speed

No one likes a slow website. Everyone knows this, and I've even written about speeding up your website before. In the past, users would be willing to wait approximately seven seconds for a web page to load before they leave. Now, as users are getting used to faster sites, and higher bandwidth from their cable or DSL provider, they are even less willing to wait.  Some recent reports are stating that after two seconds (the holy grail of web speed), users are starting to leave the site to find a … [Read more...]