Browser Know How – IE 6

Previous logo of Microsoft Internet Explorer u...

Image via Wikipedia

I’ve recently been talking about Google’s new browser, Chrome, looking at why you might want to and not want to use it. So I thought I’d recap other browsers as well.

One which can’t be ignored is Internet Explorer 6 (IE6).

IE6 is probably the longest surviving web browser of all time, and is both loved and hated.

Ye old Browser

It came out in August of 2001, over 7 years ago at this point of this writing, which in Internet years means it might as well be over 700 years old.

While IE6 was highly touted as the most advanced browser when it was released, 7 years makes those features “old hat” . Newer browsers and versions have been released with even newer and better features since IE6’s initial release.

Why Upgrade

So why should you upgrade to a newer browser? Glad you asked:

  1. Newer browsers have built in support to protect you from phishing attacks. These include displaying prominent messages when dealing with a potentially dangerous site.
  2. Reduced chance of being hacked. IE6’s security model lends it self to being easy to hack your computer.
  3. Improved support of web standards. – IE6 is the bane of web developers because of incompatibilities with current web standards, which provide an inconsistent experience compared to other browsers. Modern browsers tend to support standards more consistently.  This means that what you see on the screen is more likely to be correct, and web applications are more likely to work correctly.
  4. Improved stability. IE6 is known to be a bit flaky, and crash when dealing with intense websites.
  5. Improved User Interface. Most modern browsers have improved the user experience, including things like easier ways to organize your bookmarks/favorites, built in search box, etc.
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About Walter Wimberly

Walter is a strong believer in using technology to improve oneself and one's business.