The design of your website doesn’t matter!?

In a previous article, I asked, does your website look good? And if it (your website looking good) actually mattered? Pop Quiz - did anyone go out an try to find a "pretty" website? Just curious. If I had asked you to think of an ugly site, you could have probably come up with several examples easily. You might not be able to explain why they were ugly, but you could come up with them. People find it easier to remember bad things than good things. Your site's design shouldn't be … [Read more...]

Does your website look good? Does it Matter?

I read a recent article asking if anyone really cares about the design of a website. The basic premise was that the design should not get in the way of the site. This is correct, but I'll take it a step further. Consider the last site that you found yourself amazed at how good it looked. Go ahead - think hard about the site...what you can't? No pretty sites coming to mind? Don't worry - you're perfectly normal. Designers, especially those fresh from college, will try to tell you how … [Read more...]

Validator – JavaScript Form Validator

OK so I said I would be releasing some of the tools I've developed over time to the general public. Well here is the first one: Validator. It is a JavaScript (not that you'll have to write hardly any of it) form validator. With just a one line of code to initialize it, and a couple of easy attributes to add to your form elements, you can have access to 23 (yes count them 23 - actually do count them I'm afraid of missing one or two) different types of validation for your form inputs. … [Read more...]