So what if your a geek?

62 Some people tend to get caught up in being a technical genius, looking for others like them, etc. But does that really matter? I used to think that it did, but it doesn't. Yes I can still "out geek" 95% of the world's population - but that doesn't help a small business. So I named 62 of the ~70 different HTML elements - it means nothing. What matters is if I can help your company solve a business problem using technology. If I, or anyone else, am only concerned about the technology … [Read more...]

Why Ajax doesn’t need Dreamweaver

There have been several discussions recently on if Ajax developers need Dreamweaver or not. Dreamweaver is a good tool, but it is just a tool not a solution. The more I use Dreamweaver, the more I can see both its strengths and weaknesses. Let’s look from both points of view to determine if Ajax really needs Dreamweaver. As someone who doesn’t work for Adobe, but has used Dreamweaver for over six (6) years, I am a little bit more objective than some of the voices that have spoken. … [Read more...]