Web 2.0 – Understanding Wikis

Image via WikipediaBlogs work great in some circumstances.  For example, they work well with a singular person pushing out information and getting feedback. However, the person leaving feed back cannot change the original posting.  And there are times when parts of a page need to be edited, and/or new content pages added. Wiki's are a good Web 2.0 method of solving this problem. Wiki - Hawaiian for Quick, although I know not how that relates allows anyone (within reason) to modify, add, … [Read more...]

Blog Examples in a Website

In the last article, we looked at why you would want to use a blog on your web site. We mentioned that people can either use a blog as their web site, or simply add it in addition to their web site. We even used GM's Fastlane blog as an example of a corporate blog that you may not expect. Obviously GM, a manufacture of cars, is not the technology work horse you would expect when you think of other companies which might blog (like IBM, Microsoft, Google, and others). Obviously, the amount of … [Read more...]