Why you shouldn’t bother with Chrome

In our last two posts we talked about Google Chrome. We looked most recently at why you should use Chrome. But to be fair, it isn't the only browser out there, and some say it needs more polish to be a serious browser. Here are some reasons to look at not using Chrome. (Currently) no extensions for Chrome. This will affect power users more than any one else, especially Firefox users. The power of extensions is immeasurable as it allows you to improve your experience on the web. … [Read more...]

Firefox Download Day

Hopefully you haven't missed it. June 17th is the official Firefox 3 download day. They are trying to set a record for the most number of downloads in a single day. While it got off to a slow start (servers weren't able to handle all of the traffic), it got much better. Many people like Firefox because it is faster than most other browsers. While there are a few sites which will only work with Internet Explorer, any standards compliant web application will work probably better in … [Read more...]

Maybe I should use Linux instead?

Some days you feel like your getting a sign. I got this error message when I booted my computer this morning. See which program Microsoft Windows thinks might cause an error. Maybe it's time to move to Linux. Note: No PhotoShop involved. Just a screen shot. … [Read more...]