Why use a blog on your website?

A tag cloud with terms related to Web 2.Image via WikipediaWhat makes blogs interesting and the most often used form of Web 2.0?

Because they are self contained, and allow for existing pages to be edited without knowing (X)HTML, once a theme is created and applied, it can be easy for a non-technical small business owner to work with.

You wouldn’t buy a new work vehicle without know how it was going to be used!  Likewise, it is important to know how you will use your blog.  Will it be as a traditional blog, for internal use, for working with a new project, or as a site?  Knowing this will increase the chances of you successfully implementing the blog.

For example, a blog might be created to:

  • promote new product line being developed,
  • inform people about new things happening in your company,
  • to allow those outside the core team to stay informed about a project, or
  • as a complete web site.

All of these are ways to use a blog, you just need to know how to use it, and work within its strengths and weaknesses.
For example, one common mistake is that people expect and think that to have a successful blog, one has to post every day, or sometimes more often. This is simply not true.  This is a misnomer from common news media which references many successful blogs, thinking you have to do it “their way”.  In reality, you can add a blog to an existing site, or use it strictly as a site.  You might even see blog authors telling you about it.  As a small business owner, I doubt you would have the time to do something like that.

Regular posting is often touted, but rarely defined. What is most important is having some thing worth saying, but much inline with Occam’s Razor however, it should be updated only as often as required.

If you have questions about using implementing a blog on your site, feel free to contact us. We have experience in implementing blogs into existing web sites, setting up new sites to run as blogs, as well as traditional website design and development experience.

About Walter Wimberly

Walter is a strong believer in using technology to improve oneself and one's business.